Grelle Sutcliff from Black Butler tended to attempt suicide over the littlest mistakes she made in the earlier episodes.Ends with it turning out that they had been Dead All Along (after the carbon monoxide poisoning, after which you never see their shadows again.And it's easily the goofiest episode in the series. Three people are trying to commit suicide, with two of them trying to keep the third from doing so because she's too young. Paranoia Agent has the episode "Happy Family Planning".Everyone stares at her in amazement, but she immediately thinks she's messed up and tries to off herself by jumping into the ocean. In D.Gray-Man, Miranda Lotto uses her powers to repair a damaged ship.Katteni Kaizo's protagonist does that at one point as a shout out to Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei.The suicide jokes decrease over time (though don't disappear entirely) as other forms of comedy pop up (like Chiri's increasing homicidal tendencies). Nozomu from Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei attempts to kill himself Once an Episode.Unsurprisingly, this ad was quite controversial. A Hyundai ad showed a man attempting to kill himself by using a hose to fill a car with carbon monoxide from its exhaust system, only to walk away dejected because the car in question runs off of water emissions.
The PIC Mosquito Repellent Coil advertisement often played at Drive In Theaters featured a scene where after the announcer explains how to use it, one of the cartoon mosquitoes holds one in one of his hands and lights it, saying "So if you don't want our company ever anywhere, just light PIC and.see what I mean?! Bye!" and drops dead (complete with suddenly holding a flower once deceased.).So badly that one of the other researchers tries to walk out into an ongoing blizzard rather than continue listening and another one has to drag him back from trying to kill himself. This Geico ad compares the unbelievable savings from switching your insurance to Geico to the unbelievable fact that a Hollywood Tone-Deaf guy at an Antarctic research station brought his karaoke machine with him and is singing the Backstreet Boys song "I Want It That Way".The episode in its original format, while generally well-received, was criticized for being insensitive by suicide support groups, forcing GM to change the ad where, instead of the robot jumping to his death, he's forced to work as a grocery store stock boy. Eventually, the depression reaches the point where the robot is seen jumping off a bridge into the water, killing himself, until the commercial cuts to the fact It Was All A Dream. He's then forced to work several menial jobs, such as holding a sign or operating the drive-thru speaker, though every time he sees a GM car he gets depressed.

The commercial follows a robot who fails to properly insert a screw, forcing his dismissal.